It’s gonna be quiet around here
Hi I’m off on a one month holiday to Vietnam for most of Jan 09, so it will be very quiet around here for a while and my email access will be somewhat limited. My colleagues at Seven Sigma will …
Hi I’m off on a one month holiday to Vietnam for most of Jan 09, so it will be very quiet around here for a while and my email access will be somewhat limited. My colleagues at Seven Sigma will …
Hi all I recently wrote an article on how learning and behavioural styles affect the way SharePoint collaboration features are used in deployments. It is called Learning styles, behavioural styles and “collaboration” and can be found over at regards …
Sorry about the lack of posts, but I’m am right into the middle of a 5 day course called “Train the Trainer” which is run by the Australian Institute of Management. This course, among other things, will qualify me as …
Back when I was a lad (okay, back on mid 06) I had to plan, design and implement a fully redundant MOSS farm for a largish company that was an early MOSS adopter. I previously blogged some notes about how …
This is probably my last post for the year – winding down to the festive season 🙂 Thanks to all of you who’ve read my blog, it’s a good stress outlet for me and I hope that some of you …
Hi, there. It’s been a while since my last post but the whole issue of having a life and earning money kind of got in the way. In addition I have been procrastinating a little, because writing about technical and …
Learn to talk to your CFO in their language – Part 2 Read more »
Taking a quick break from part 4 of my series of articles on SharePoint branding. I hope to have posted in a day or two, but my daughter just got the new Zelda game on Nintendo DS. Of course, now …
If you check my introductory post, I discussed the concept of SharePoint features in a real world scenario. In this post I actually show an example of features from end to end, to illustrate that scenario. So, first to recap …