think as you age, you become more and more like your parents. Not so long ago I went out paintballing with some friends and we all agreed that the 16-18 year olds who also happened to be there were all obnoxious little twerps who needed a good kick in the rear. At the same time, we also agreed that we were just as obnoxious back when we were that age. Your perspective changes as you learn and your experience grows, but you don’t forget where you came from…

SharePoint, for a number of reasons, is one of those products that has a way of really laying bare any gaps that the organisation has in terms of their overall maturity around technology and strategy…

Article originally published for reproduced here. Greetings, my cleverworkarounds kung-fu students. Paul here again to talk once more about Zen and the art of SharePoint. Now I don’t want to appear all arrogant and pretentious, but for this post …

Thinking SharePoint Part 4 – Lessons from Kung Fu Panda Read more »

My third post on "Thinking SharePoint" for reproduced here. Hi all [Quick reference: Part 1 and Part 2] If you have followed the first two articles in this series, I have been attempting to talk about SharePoint "head-space". In …

Thinking SharePoint Part 3 – A tale of two clients Read more »

Hi Well, here we are at part 8 in a series of posts dedicated to the topic of SharePoint project failure. Surely after 7 posts, you would think that we are exhausting the various factors that can have a negative …

Why do SharePoint Projects Fail? – Part 8 Read more »

Hi again and welcome to part 6 of my series on the factors of why SharePoint projects fail. Joel Oleson’s write-up a while back gave me 5 minutes of fame, but like any contestant on Big Brother, I’ve had my …

Why do SharePoint Projects Fail – Part 6 Read more »