19 Comments on “Tribute to the "humble leave form" part 7 is out

  1. Hello Paul,

    Great post. I always love how well articulated your thoughts are and the images and humour make it a very enjoyable read.

    I left a comment on the SharePoint Magazine post but it doesn’t seem to show up. I just wanted to suggest a perhaps better way of submitting to the form library.

    Currently when you submit to the form library it saves it as a unique filename. This is great for the initial submission, but on review, updates, or anything in the approval/feedback process it would create another unique instance of the form on submission. So you can imagine in a typical approval process if the form is declined the user updates it, and now you have two vacation requests for the same time, taking up more resources, potentially confusing approves and users alike.

    Instead what I would advise is creating a submit rule that saves the filename to a form field property (in the datasource). This way you can do a conditional check – if filename is blank create a new unique filename, and then submit using that property. Next if the filename is not blank just submit using the same filename. This ensures the filename is unique, but also ensures that only one copy of the file is stored and represented.

    Hope this helps you and anyone else working with forms,
    Richard Harbridge

  2. That’s a terrific suggestion but just between you and me, I tend to prefer Infopath scenarios when the form is filled out just once 🙂

    In fact (and what I will cover in the future) is I tend to get the form data from the form lib (via workflow) into a list and then do all the slicing, dicing and reporting from there.

    But I will now address this suggestion when I get to that point in the series



  3. Hi,

    I have been reading your articles on the ‘humble leave form’ and have found them a very helpful introduction in understanding how I might automate the leave process within my team.
    However, I cannot find any more additions to series 7. Can you possibly point me in the right direction?


  4. Yes I am. Sorry for the lull, but in between business and conferences time has been in short supply. Rest assured – more to come!

  5. Thanks. I don’t want to sound pushy, but have you a time in mind when you might recommence the series?

  6. Hi,
    Maybe you can provide me with some assistance in the interim.
    In my annual leave form, I need the employee to select their manager from a list of domain users. Is there a built-in function/web service that will enable me to do this or will I need to create my own webservice? Any help would be much appreciated…


  7. In this example series, I am using a contact list. In real life, we have an app that one-way syncs the user profile store to that contact list

  8. I am now playing around with custom workflow using Visual studio, but when I add a CreateTask activity to my designer, I can only select ‘workflowToken’ as the CorrelationToken (in the drop-down list), when I really want ‘taskToken’. Is there any reason why?
    I know I seem like a pest, so again any help would be much appreciated…

  9. wow great series!!
    I am just wondering if you are going to complete this as its been some time since this was posted

  10. Hi I can’t get to any of the parts 1-7.
    Link not working anymore.
    Please help !


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